Sunday, 26 June 2011

?6. Which country's flag and whats special about this country ?


Answer: Kosovo, Its the newest country that has been formed till date, however southern Sudan will take over this title on 9th July

(+1 pts, part points) 


  1. Jyotikrishna Dass27 June 2011 at 09:58

    Kosovo............ was not a republic. But it had a special status. It not only had veto rights and a president in Yugoslavia's rotating presidency, it had representation in all aspects of federal Yugoslavia – parliament, courts, civil administration

  2. kosovo is only a partially recognized state...going by that principle, south ossetia nd abkhazia should the countries that are the latest to be formed, since they are also partially recognised...

  3. Kosovo is partially recognized but with 76 UN members recognizing it as compared to 4 in case of south Ossentia and abkhazia.
    However the your point is in a way valid, so thanks for sharing it (the best i can do is give u a +1) :)
