Saturday, 25 June 2011

?1. What is the given recipe for ?

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 oz (28 g) caffeine citrate
    • 3 oz (85 g) citric acid
    • 1 US fl oz (30 ml; 1 imp fl oz) vanilla extract
    • 1 US qt (946 ml; 33 imp fl oz) lime juice
    • 2.5 oz (71 g) "flavoring," i.e., "Merchandise 7X"
    • 30 lb (14 kg) sugar
    • 4 US fl oz (118.3 ml; 4.2 imp fl oz) powder extract of cocaine (decocainized flavor essence of the coca leaf).
    • 2.5 US gal (9.5 l; 2.1 imp gal) water
    • caramel sufficient
  • "Mix caffeine acid and lime juice in 1 quart boiling water add vanilla and flavoring when cool."
  • Flavoring:
    • 80 oil orange
    • 40 oil cinnamon
    • 120 oil lemon
    • 20 oil coriander
    • 40 oil nutmeg
    • 40 oil neroli
  • "Let stand 24 hours."
(+1 point)

Answer: Coca-Cola


  1. From the vanilla part of it, Pepsi is what I suppose. Not sure of it though.

  2. coke. actually used to add cocaine before 1903...and still add some non addictive/harmful processed part of it...

  3. Not arguing or anything but just for enquiry sake, as far asa I have read, Isn't Coke's recipe supposed to be a top secret ? I had thought of coke, but thus ruled it out .

